ATAT December newsletter 2021

Happy December ATATs!

We’ve got some fun events coming up this month to celebrate the holidays - we hope you’ll join us! And please don’t hesitate to reach out to if you’re interested in getting more involved! And be sure to follow us on social media to hear about upcoming events and opportunities: Facebook | Instagram.

See you on the street!

- the ATATs


Cycletrooper at Wheat Ridge Holiday Celebration: December 4th, 4-8pm - Green on 38th (7101 W 38th Ave) Join us at LocalWorks’ holiday celebration at the Green on 38th. We’ll have the Cycletrooper (pedicab) to give rides on, stickers, and extra bike lights to hand out.

Holiday Lights Ride: Thursday, December 16th at 6pm - Meet at the Green on 38th (7101 W 38th Ave) Ride with us to view Wheat Ridge’s best holiday lights, and join us for a drink afterwards. Sign up on Facebook for more details.

Bike giveaway

Every year, the ATATs receive donated bikes from around the community that are in need of a little love. After being fixed up by ATAT members, bikes are gifted to kids and families in need. Fill our the form at this link to nominate someone you know for a bike donation.


Let’s Talk Wheat Ridge: It’s not too late to take the surveys for Fruitdale and Anderson Park, or participate in upcoming public meetings:

  • Anderson Park: Saturday, December 4, 2021 from 8:30 - 10 a.m. on Zoom OR Tuesday, December 7, 2021 from 4:30 - 6 p.m. on Zoom

  • Fruitdale: Saturday, December 4, 2021 from 10:30 a.m. - noon on Zoom OR Thursday, December 9, 2021 from 4:30 - 6 p.m. on Zoom

Winter is coming: don’t forget to shovel! ❄️⛄The snow is almost here, and with that, we want to make sure we’re addressing the needs for all levels of ability and mobility. We’ve noticed some sidewalks in commercial areas and along busy streets that don’t get shoveled and end up with treacherous icy patches in the winter months. In Wheat Ridge, the owner, occupant or tenant of any building, property or lot is required to clear walkways within 24 hours of snowfall equaling 2 inches or more. Don’t forget to shovel your own sidewalk if you have one, and maybe give a gentle reminder or help to those who have forgotten to make sure that everyone of every ability level can move about safely.

New website, and stickers! We’ve re-launched our site - - and have ordered some new stickers. Drop us a note ( if you’d like a few to decorate your bike or share with friends and family.


February newsletter


ATAT November newsletter 2021