February newsletter
Happy almost spring!
With the cold weather, we’ve been planning and preparing for the coming year, and how we can make Wheat Ridge an even greater place to walk and bike. Please see below for upcoming events, advocacy updates, and more - and be sure to follow us on social media to hear about upcoming events and opportunities: Facebook | Instagram.
Bike giveaway
Every year, the ATATs receive donated bikes from around the community that are in need of a little love. After being fixed up by ATAT members, bikes are gifted to kids and families in need. This year, the ATATs gave away 5 bikes to some happy Wheat Ridge residents. If you have a functional bike that you’re no longer using, please consider donating it to the ATATs.
RTD System Optimization Plan
Our transit agency RTD has been soliciting feedback on its plan to reorganize service following the COVID-19 pandemic. The ATAT’s submitted a letter supporting some of the proposed changes and advocating for restoring more service on some of the key routes that serve the greater Wheat Ridge community.You can still submit comments here.
44th Subarea Plan
The 44th Subarea Plan is now underway, and there’s a big emphasis on ensuring better and safer connections across 44th Avenue, Clear Creek, and to reach other important destinations throughout Wheat Ridge and beyond. There’s currently a survey and mapping exercise available on What’s Up Wheat Ridge through March 18th - please share your ideas for how to make this area safer for walking and biking. The ATATs will also be developing their suggestions for specific improvements to the project area - please let us know at wratat@gmail.com if you have ideas!
Snow removal
We’ve noticed some sidewalks in commercial areas along busy streets that often don’t get shoveled and end up with treacherous icy patches in the winter months. In Wheat Ridge, the owner, occupant or tenant of any building, property or lot is required to clear walkways within 24 hours of snowfall equaling 2 inches or more. We want to make sure that the City of Wheat Ridge is welcoming and accessible for all mobility users. We’ve reached out to the City to see what can be done to address some of these safety concerns - if there’s a place like that near you, please let us know at wratat@gmail.com.
Clear Creek Trail Resurfacing and Signage Improvements Grant
With the support of the ATATs, Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation was awarded a 2022 Jeffco Open Space Trails Partnership Program Grant for $196,668 for the Wheat Ridge Clear Creek Trail Resurfacing and Signage Improvements project proposal. This project will include:
1. Replacing the 1,187 foot-long, currently asphalt trail section between Prospect Park and the West Bridge (south of Tabor Lake) with 10’-wide concrete
2. Replacing damaged concrete segments and improve the trailhead connection at the Otis St. trailhead and connection trail
3. Adding Wheat Ridge Greenbelt, Peaks to Plains (P2P), and Jefferson County Bikeway wayfinding and mileage signage, general safety signage, and other trail safety improvements.
The timeline for this project is for it to begin in 2022 and be completed by February 2024.
Thanks for reading this far! Stay safe, and we’ll see you soon,